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Pay What You Can Program


​UrbanCore is community powered:

We are all part of this community and we support others when possible. As part of our UrbanCore Cares Initaitive, the Pay What You Can (PWYC) Program is available on a limited basis to expand access to the proven healthy benefits of yoga, pilates, meditation, and more for those who cannot currently afford the full membership rate.


How PWYC Membership Works:

Membership includes unlimited access to all regularly scheduled UrbanCore classes just like our UrbanCore Unlimited membership.


Trust & Confidential:

PWYC Program allows you to choose the most appropriate membership rate affordable for your current budget. Your application, program participation, and monthly membership rate are confidential. Your need for an affordable rate membership is built on trust - there are no requirements to show qualification for the program.


Our Ask:

We are only able to offer a limited number of each PWYC membership rate option. To ensure the community benefits the most from this program, please choose the highest membership rate you can afford at this time. We also ask that as your financial abilities change and you're able to pay full membership rate, you let us know so we can extend PWYC price to others.

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